He Suffered An Awful Stroke, But He Just Did The Cutest Thing To Raise Awareness

May is National Stroke Awareness Month and is designed to help spread awareness of the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S.

Strokes kill more than 133,000 Americans each year and are also the number one cause of adult disability. After suffering a massive stroke that landed him in a Hershey medical center, John Woloski was determined to prove that overcoming a stroke is more than possible. When Woloski’s condition continued to improve, he was released into the care of local rehabilitation nurses.

This man continued to demonstrate a positive attitude and appreciation for all the nurses and staff did for him on his road to recovery. Before going home, this former music teacher teamed up with some willing staffers to film a special dance video to help raise awareness for symptoms of stroke and the recovery process.

Woloski isn’t letting anything stand in his way when it comes to busting a move!

Read More: This Girl Was Having A Hard Time At School. Then She Told Her Classmates A Secret.

To learn more about Stroke Awareness Month and how you can contribute in your own community, head over to the National Stroke Association’s website. Sharing this heartwarming video with family and friends is definitely a good place to start!

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