He Opened His Briefcase On A Business Trip And What Was Inside Made Him Melt

Kids can definitely be a handful sometimes, but they can also do things so sweet that they make you want to cry.

Redditor endustry1994 knows exactly what I’m talking about because his daughter, Tate, just made his day with a simple yet adorable surprise.Before he recently left on a business trip, she decided to sneak something into his briefcase to keep him company and remind him how much she loves him while he’s away.

When he looked in the briefcase, he found an elephant plushy with a handwritten note. “Dear Daddy,” it reads. “You can use dumbo, I love you, Good morning, Good night, Sweet dreams, I love you to the moon and back. Also get me a suvaneir! Love, Tatertot :)”

When he looked in the briefcase, he found an elephant plushy with a handwritten note. "Dear Daddy," it reads. "You can use dumbo, I love you, Good morning, Good night, Sweet dreams, I love you to the moon and back. Also get me a suvaneir! Love, Tatertot :)"

Reddit / endustry1994

(via Mashable)

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Isn’t she the cutest thing ever? I think it’s pretty safe to say that her dad is one proud papa! Be sure to share this sweet photo with all the parents in your life!

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