6 Epic Christmas Freakouts That Prove Disney Is The Best Holiday Surprise

Ask a bunch of kids what they’d consider to be the best Christmas present ever and you’ll get plenty of different answers.

But there’s one special gift in particular that always tends to make them lose their minds and scream with delight. Here’s a hint: it’ll take you to either the happiest or most magical place on Earth. Combine that with the most wonderful time of the year and you’ve got some seriously happy children.

These kids had a very good reason for freaking out on Christmas. They were all surprised with trips to Disneyland or Walt Disney World!

1. This little scavenger hunt ended in some very happy tears…and a lot of shrieking.

2. This creative reveal had all the kids jumping and cheering.

3. It took them a minute to figure it out, but these siblings were on the same page when they screamed, “Yes!”

4. They didn’t seem to believe it at first, but when it sank in that they were going to Disneyland, these cuties lost it.

5. “We’re gonna go see Donald Duck! Woo!”

6. This sweet girl had no idea that she’d be getting on a plane to Walt Disney World the same day she unwrapped her Christmas present.

Now I really want to go to Disneyland or Disney World. Who knows, maybe I’ll unwrap some special tickets this Christmas.


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