Dad Of The Century Wins Life By Building Something Awesome For His Son’s Birthday

I’ve never really been into sports, but the people who are get really hardcore about it.

I have family members who played sports all the way up through college, and what I learned is that it takes a ton of practice and dedication to be part of the team. Unfortunately, that can mean lots of time traveling to use the right kind of equipment at a gym since most people don’t have those things available at home.

One dad wanted to surprise his son who loves baseball for his birthday, so he decided to bring the batting cages home with an incredible DIY project.

First he started off by drilling holes with an augur. The first one he had wasn’t powerful enough, so he had to rent one to really get the posts in there safely.

First he started off by drilling holes with an augur. The first one he had wasn't powerful enough, so he had to rent one to really get the posts in there safely.


There needed to be six total posts, so after the first two were in the ground straight, he used string to help place the others.

There needed to be six total posts, so after the first two were in the ground straight, he used string to help place the others.


Support anchors were placed in the ground to help hold the structure, and string between the posts also helped keep the intended shape.

Support anchors were placed in the ground to help hold the structure, and string between the posts also helped keep the intended shape.


Next came hanging the netting, which was much harder than expected. Getting it to lay correctly at the top was particularly difficult.

Next came hanging the netting, which was much harder than expected. Getting it to lay correctly at the top was particularly difficult.


Placing zip ties every foot helped alleviate the problem of the net bunching.

Placing zip ties every foot helped alleviate the problem of the net bunching.


After an animal died when the net was left down, Dad decided to rig a pulley system so the net never lays on the ground when it’s not in use. It also helps with mowing the lawn!

After an animal died when the net was left down, Dad decided to rig a pulley system so the net never lays on the ground when it's not in use. It also helps with mowing the lawn!


At last, the batting cage was complete. According to Dad’s DIY guide, which you can read here, the little guy absolutely loved it.

At last, the batting cage was complete. According to Dad's DIY guide, which you can read here, the little guy absolutely loved it.


This is so cool. Now he’ll be able to practice all the time! Share this story with your friends and family who will be totally amazed by this project.

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