She Thought No One Would Walk Her Down The Aisle. Then She Heard A Familiar Voice.

So many dads and daughters dream about walking down the aisle together on the daughter’s big day.

When that’s not possible, it can be heartbreaking for a bride who may still be grieving her father’s loss to contemplate walking alone on one of the most special days of her life. Allyson Eischens had another father figure in her life who she wanted to walk her down the aisle after her father’s passing: his best friend. Unfortunately, the family friend lived hundreds of miles away and wasn’t able to come to the wedding. At least that’s what she thought.

When Chris Roose walked in, Eischens was nothing short of shocked.

When Chris Roose walked in, Eischens was nothing short of shocked.

Screenshot Youtube / Inside Edition

She says she always considered him a “second father figure” and that having him there was an amazing surprise.

She says she always considered him a "second father figure" and that having him there was an amazing surprise.

Screenshot Youtube / Inside Edition

As for what her dad would think? She says he would be jealous but happy that his friend was there during her wedding.

As for what her dad would think? She says he would be jealous but happy that his friend was there during her wedding.

Screenshot Youtube / Inside Edition

Watch more of their tearjerking reunion below.

Youtube / Inside Edition

This is the best thing ever. What an amazing way to honor a beloved friend and father. Share this to bring tears to your friends’ eyes!

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