When This Bird’s Human Started Drumming, It Hilariously Decided To Rock Out

Many believe that some pets enjoy listening to music, but this feathered cutie has a blast making it!

When somebody from Japan bought a mini drum and a set of sticks, they probably didn’t expect to get such a strong reaction out of their pet bird when they started playing it. Well, not only did the adorable cockatiel seem to enjoy the beat, but the little guy also decided to joined in on the fun!

As soon as the cockatiel hears the sounds of drumming, it moves its body to the beat…

As soon as the cockatiel hears the sounds of drumming, it moves its body to the beat...

Screenshot / Daily Mail

…then uses its own beak as a drumstick!

...then uses its own beak as a drumstick!

Screenshot / Daily Mail

Watch below as this duo rocks out together as one of the cutest bands ever.


(via Daily Mail)

Am I the only one who can’t stop replaying this? If I was that owner, I’d seriously be spending all my time with that bird and drum.

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