These 20 Images Will Make You Lose What Little Faith You Had Left In Humanity

Have you ever met someone so damn ignorant that you had to wonder how they’re able to function in everyday life?

I’m talking the kind of person whose thought process (if they even have one) is so skewed that common sense is a completely foreign concept to them, yet they proudly tout all their “knowledge” as if it’s scientifically proven. While they’re almost impossible to tolerate when you want to have an educated discussion, at least they’re entertaining — like the absolute geniuses below.

If you needed a reason to give up on humanity altogether, these 20 blissfully unaware people are it.

1. Thanks but no thanks, Susan.

Thanks but no thanks, Susan.

Reddit / BourgeoisBanana

2. I’m betting she didn’t believe him.

3. I would’ve never guessed.

I would've never guessed.

Reddit / AdamE89

4. Thanks, Obama, for the things you didn’t do when you weren’t in office.

Barack Obama had a big part in 9/11.

5. Maybe try practicing what you preach.

Maybe try practicing what you preach.

Reddit / Tyler1492

6. Something tells me it isn’t the first time she’s tried this.

7. Only the rest of the world.

Only the rest of the world.

Reddit / Azkuman

8. So deep.

So deep.

Imgur / WhenGodzillaattacks

9. Glad to hear you’re such a big fan of Ginger, Ginger.

Glad to hear you're such a big fan of Ginger, Ginger.

Reddit / aaronclements

10. No, but you certainly are.

No, but you certainly are.

Twitter / diego

11. Wow. Just wow.

Wow. Just wow.

Reddit / jayremedy

12. I really hope he’s joking.

13. Yes. This is how illness works.

Yes. This is how illness works.

Reddit / FroggierSnow7

14. Totally.


Reddit / CantMakeThisChitUp

15. Now might be a good time to convert.

Now might be a good time to convert.

Reddit / OMGLMAOWTF_com

16. What is math anyway?

What is math anyway?

Reddit / AdamE89

17. Spaghetti sauce is bad, m’kay?

Spaghetti sauce is bad, m'kay?

Reddit / d4615

18. “Found a wild facepalm in its natural habitat.”

"Found a wild facepalm in its natural habitat."

Reddit / Stax138

19. Ask and ye shall (not) receive.

Ask and ye shall (not) receive.

Reddit / oconnj17

20. What a coincidence! I have the same rare condition too. It flares up every time I’m exposed to the sun.

What a coincidence! I have the same rare condition too. It flares up every time I'm exposed to the sun.

Reddit / farorie

(via BoredPanda)

I’m honestly a little worried about the future of the human race right now. Share if you’ve never felt so smart in your life.

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