They Lost Everything To A Wildfire, But They Found Something Special In The Ashes

You may have heard on the news about the devastating wildfires in California.

The entire town of Santa Rosa has been affected, with many houses completely burned to the ground. The families affected have lost everything they own, but even in the midst of tragedy some hope can still be found.

Sam Brinkerhoff and her wife, Monica, recently moved to Santa Rosa after buying a house. Monica is expecting a baby and they were excited to create a home together.

Sam Brinkerhoff and her wife, Monica, recently moved to Santa Rosa after buying a house. Monica is expecting a baby and they were excited to create a home together.

Youtube / Inside Edition

They had to run out of their house with just the clothes on their backs when the fire encroached upon their neighborhood. They left even their most precious possessions behind.

They had to run out of their house with just the clothes on their backs when the fire encroached upon their neighborhood. They left even their most precious possessions behind.

Youtube / Inside Edition

When digging through the rubble, however, they found a glint of hope. Their wedding and engagement rings were recovered from the ashes.

When digging through the rubble, however, they found a glint of hope. Their wedding and engagement rings were recovered from the ashes.

Youtube / Inside Edition

They said their love and life are what matter and that their things can be replaced. But finding those rings and all they represent has helped them get through the ordeal. More on their story below.

Youtube / Inside Edition

Their love is palpable. Our hearts go out to them and all the other people affected by these devastating fires.

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