The English language is notoriously difficult to learn for foreigners. It’s not hard to understand why, though. English contains many confusing rules and even exceptions to those rules. (In fact, it seems the English language threw any rule book that there might have been out the window completely.) So, when other countries attempt to use English sub-titles in advertisements and signs? The outcome is usually hilarious. This is called “Engrish,” and it’s awesome. LOL.
1.) Feel shame if you sit down. FEEL SHAME.
2.) Mmm. Love me some sweet camel.
3.) Poor birdies.
4.) Technically, no, but A+ for effort.
5.)… thanks?
6.) Oh man, don’t get in this telephone’s way.
7.) I can see your logic here.
9.) Crust sells the best cars.
10.) Is this for blind people or by blind people? This is important.
11.) … I can see why.
12.) Dang, I’ll take the stairs.
13.) Slippy WAS the worst Starfox character. Steer clear of him (by doing a barrel roll).
14.) Are you sure about that?
15.) So, you’re paying to get rid of your children?
16.) If you’re going to fall, do it right.
17.) Yeah, you tofu person, you.
18.) Much better than the slightly rude and ignorant airport.
19.) The bear, I guess?
20.) An excellent reason not to fall in the pond.
21.) This one is worrisome. What could the original translation POSSIBLY be?
22.) You know what? You make sense, sign.
23.) You can never be too careful.
24.) Good, I hate privatized Mayhem.
25.) Even better advice? Don’t do that in public.
26.) No, but thanks.
27.) Those are the best kind. I hate obnoxiously loud carrots.
28.) I hate old crap. It’s the worst.
29.) No, that’s pretty believable.
(H/T Urlesque) It’s okay to laugh, because they certainly did their best (and at least English would be their second or third language). It’d be much worse if you found any of these signs in Middle America. Share the laughs by clicking on the button below.