Woman Taking First Golf Lesson Does Something That Would Make Any Golfer Jealous

It’s an amazing feeling to get a hole in one…

… at mini golf. The thrill and rush of success feels super great, and I think I’ve just assumed that my marginal success at the mini version means I’ll never be great at regular golf. I suppose that’s why people take lessons, and what happens when you learn a little technique can really blow you away.

The woman on the right was taking her very first golf lesson and was being filmed to see her technique later on.

The woman on the right was taking her very first golf lesson and was being filmed to see her technique later on.

Youtube / emma brown

She took her shot, and they all thought they saw the ball hit the flag, so she went running for it.

She took her shot, and they all thought they saw the ball hit the flag, so she went running for it.

Youtube / emma brown

She’s so stunned by her success that she comes running back, ball in hand.

She's so stunned by her success that she comes running back, ball in hand.

Youtube / emma brown

Want to see this unexpected hole in one in action? Watch the video below.

Youtube / emma brown

Here’s hoping that beginner’s luck translates into a long and fulfilling hobby. Neither teacher nor student is ever going to forget this lesson, that’s for sure!

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