Halloween is a scary time of year.
Everyone’s decorating with spooky decorations and getting ready to scare their neighbors with their costumes. It’s super exciting for children who get to dress up and have some of that sweet Halloween candy. While most parents are concerned about checking their kids’ candy for issues, there’s another health risk that comes around this time of year that every mom and dad should know about.
Doctors see a huge jump in head lice during this time of year. With people trying on wigs and costumes in the store, that makes sense.
After all, there’s no telling how many people have tried it on before you decide to take a costume home.
Putting costumes and wigs in an airtight plastic bag for 48 hours before wearing it is the easiest way to kill lice.
You can also put dryer-friendly items on high heat for 45 minutes before wearing, or wear swim and wig caps for extra protection. Learn more below.