20 Bizarre Images That’ll Definitely Leave You Scratching Your Head

Ever come across a picture that made you do a double take and question how and why it came to exist in the first place?

I’m talking the kinds of images that beg for explanation; the kinds that capture situations so odd, interesting, and baffling that you can’t help but scratch your head and ponder their meaning. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but these raise just as many questions!

From cops holding invisible guns to basketballs being substituted for brake lights, here are 20 images that are bound to make you say, “hmm.”

From cops holding invisible guns to basketballs being substituted for brake lights, here are 20 images that are bound to make you say, "hmm."

Reddit / 1III11II111II1I1

Reddit / FortPhoenix

Reddit / SippyNips

Reddit / Aameba

Reddit / TheDarkraiGuy

Reddit / edd010

Reddit / UnpredictablePickle

Reddit / SadCrab_

Reddit / digeratisensei

Reddit / breaking_jackpots

Reddit / Rvmntrx

Reddit / CosmicKeys

Reddit / ChadDoes

Reddit / necromimi

Reddit / MrMariomans

Reddit / fine_shrine

Reddit / noneEggs

Reddit / melotjk

Reddit / 3pGuy

Reddit / CosmicKeys

(via Bored Panda)

I have so many questions right now. For more “hmm-worthy” photos, head on over to r/hmm and delight in all the headache-inducing confusion.

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