This Woman Just Had Her Baby Delivered By The Joker And The Photos Are Everything

On October 31, Justin and Brittany Selph traveled to the Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tennessee, preparing to welcome their little one into the world.

Their baby was due to be delivered that night by Paul Locus, who’d been Brittany’s doctor throughout her pregnancy. When they arrived at the hospital and got ready for the birth, though, they were greeted instead by none other than the Joker himself.

Locus had gotten into the Halloween spirit and decided to dress up that day for work.

Locus had gotten into the Halloween spirit and decided to dress up that day for work.

Facebook / Justin Selph

He initially meant to go home and hand out candy while the family waited for Brittany’s labor to progress, then change into regular clothes and come back for the delivery — but the Joker decided he could get the job done just as well as Locus could.

He initially meant to go home and hand out candy while the family waited for Brittany's labor to progress, then change into regular clothes and come back for the delivery -- but the Joker decided he could get the job done just as well as Locus could.

Facebook / Justin Selph

“Why so serious, Dad? Seriously though, just cut the cord.”

"Why so serious, Dad? Seriously though, just cut the cord."

Facebook / Justin Selph

Little Oaklyn Saige Selph was born at 8:20 that night.

Little Oaklyn Saige Selph was born at 8:20 that night.

Facebook / Justin Selph

Both Mom and Dad were ecstatic about the birth of their baby girl, and even happier that the experience was made that much more memorable by their funny doctor.

Both Mom and Dad were ecstatic about the birth of their baby girl, and even happier that the experience was made that much more memorable by their funny doctor.

Facebook / Justin Selph

“When [Locus] came in our room the following morning, in normal doctor attire, he said, ‘Sorry I couldn’t make it in last night, glad to see the delivery went well,'” Justin said. “He was a great sport about it all.”

"When [Locus] came in our room the following morning, in normal doctor attire, he said, 'Sorry I couldn't make it in last night, glad to see the delivery went well,'" Justin said. "He was a great sport about it all."

Facebook / Justin Selph

(via BuzzFeed)

Congratulations to the Selphs on their beautiful daughter, and a big thanks to the Joker for delivering her safely. I never thought I’d say that about one of Batman’s biggest enemies.

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