Kinder Surprises, the egg-shaped chocolate candies with toys inside, were deemed illegal in the U.S. long before they were even created because of the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act outlawing toys kept inside confections.
While this was intended to prevent creating a choking hazard for young children, it’s proven to be quite fitting recently for more reasons than that.In February, a two-year-old little boy from England found six pills which turned out to be over-the-counter medication inside his chocolate egg.Just last week, a U.K. mom found a needle inside her two-year-old daughter’s treat.
Vikki Maguire-Grant’s daughter, Isabelle, had already taken a bite out of her egg when Vikki decided to pull it apart for her.
Facebook / Vikki Maguire-Grant
That’s when she found this needle stuck inside.Now she’s warning other parents to always check these candies carefully.
Facebook / Vikki Maguire-Grant
Read More: If Your Baby Loves This Cereal, You Need To See What This Mom Just Found In It
“I have no idea how it came there. My first concern is safety for my child and others when eating any kind of Easter egg,” she said. “Maybe we will never know but I certainly will check every egg for the rest of my life.”
(via MommyPage)