22 Ridiculous (And Hilarious) Knitting Fails Will Make You Ask “D.I.Why?!”

There’s a fine line between a DIY project and a “D.I.Why?” project. Knitting and crocheting are crafty pastimes that take expert skill and creativity…but not every piece of yarn art is a masterpiece. The 22 projects below left me speechless – but not necessarily in a good way. Before you pick up your knitting needles again, check out these weird and wacky duds. Even if you don’t knit, they’re definitely worth a good laugh.

1. At first glance, this sweater is just moderately ridiculous…

At first glance, this sweater is just moderately ridiculous...

Serendipity Mommy

2. Until you see the back. Then it reaches maximum ridiculousness.

Until you see the back. Then it reaches maximum ridiculousness.

Serendipity Mommy

3. This seems sanitary.

This seems sanitary.

Ugly Sweater

4. I’ve always wanted a slightly inappropriate knit bunny suit.

I've always wanted a slightly inappropriate knit bunny suit.


5. I’m not sure if this dress makes me feel cold, hot, or hungry.

I'm not sure if this dress makes me feel cold, hot, or hungry.

Ugly Sweater

6. This is allegedly a wedding dress.

This is allegedly a wedding dress.

Vyper Look

7. Well, it would be absorbent…

Well, it would be absorbent...

Mochimochi Land

8. I can’t imagine this would be comfortable once it gets wet.

I can't imagine this would be comfortable once it gets wet.

Crochet Patterns To Try

9. No sock monkeys were harmed during the making of this dress.

No sock monkeys were harmed during the making of this dress.

Knitt Sings

10. What’s the point of bacon and eggs if you can’t eat them??

What's the point of bacon and eggs if you can't eat them??


11. Peplum dresses are totally in style right now.

Peplum dresses are totally in style right now.


12. I have no words.

I have no words.


13. You can stay warm and scare small children with this hat. It’s a win, win!

You can stay warm and scare small children with this hat. It's a win, win!


14. Contrary to popular belief, Marge Simpson’s blue hair is actually just an oddly shaped beanie.

Contrary to popular belief, Marge Simpson's blue hair is actually just an oddly shaped beanie.


15. I never understood high fashion, anyway.

I never understood high fashion, anyway.

Dezeen Magazine

16. I’d feel the same way if I had to wear this.

I'd feel the same way if I had to wear this.

Dezeen Magazine

17. These knit pants are so groovy, man.

These knit pants are so groovy, man.

The Security Blanket

18. I always thought this scene from The Exorcist could have been a little more cuddly.

I always thought this scene from The Exorcist could have been a little more cuddly.


19. I can’t decide if this breakfast beret is the coolest hat ever, or the worst hat ever.

I can't decide if this breakfast beret is the coolest hat ever, or the worst hat ever.


20. I’m always so inspired by street style.

I'm always so inspired by street style.


21. There’s a good reason I’m afraid of clowns.

There's a good reason I'm afraid of clowns.


22. This has officially ruined Christmas for me.

This has officially ruined Christmas for me.


I don’t know how to knit or crochet, but I think I’ll stick to my store-bought scarves and hats.

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