He’s Furious That He And His Son Were Kicked Off A Plane, But Was It Justified?

You probably remember that harrowing day in elementary school each year when the school nurse checked students’ hair for lice.

Most of the time things went according to plan, but if you were seriously unlucky, you were called aside by the nurse and told that you had a buggy situation going on.

Far outside of the classroom, one father is absolutely furious after his young son was forced to endure a lice check in the middle of an airport. But did the airline have a point?

Clay Travis is best known as a Fox Sports analyst and lawyer, but the airport altercation recently thrust his name into headlines.

Clay Travis is best known as a Fox Sports analyst and lawyer, but the airport altercation recently thrust his name into headlines.

Facebook / Clay Travis

While traveling home from a trip to London and Paris, his six-year-old son began scratching at his scalp.

While traveling home from a trip to London and Paris, his six-year-old son began scratching at his scalp.

Facebook / Clay Travis

The boy’s mother began checking his head for anything out of the ordinary. Then she found lice.

The boy’s mother began checking his head for anything out of the ordinary. Then she found lice.

Facebook / Clay Travis

Delta Airlines flight attendants then rushed over to inform the family that they would not be able to finish their flight back to Nashville due to the boy’s condition.

Delta Airlines flight attendants then rushed over to inform the family that they would not be able to finish their flight back to Nashville due to the boy’s condition.

Facebook / Clay Travis

Before exiting the plane, his was subjected to another lice check.

Before exiting the plane, his was subjected to another lice check.

Facebook / Clay Travis

When the family went back into the airport, he went through yet another check in the customs area. Failure to comply would have instantly barred them from flying home, no questions asked.

When the family went back into the airport, he went through yet another check in the customs area. Failure to comply would have instantly barred them from flying home, no questions asked.

Facebook / Clay Travis

“And just put yourself in the perspective of a six-year-old kid. He’s standing there with hundreds of people around, while somebody from Delta is combing through his air,” Travis wrote in an in-depth account of the event.

“And just put yourself in the perspective of a six-year-old kid. He's standing there with hundreds of people around, while somebody from Delta is combing through his air,” Travis wrote in an in-depth account of the event.

Facebook / Clay Travis

Furthermore, Travis and his family were told that they could no longer fly with the airline until they sought out treatment for the boy’s lice infestation.

Furthermore, Travis and his family were told that they could no longer fly with the airline until they sought out treatment for the boy’s lice infestation.

Facebook / Clay Travis

And while it might seem extreme, Delta policies state that people with lice are not permitted to travel with them.

And while it might seem extreme, Delta policies state that people with lice are not permitted to travel with them.

Facebook / Clay Travis

But while some are coming to the dad’s defense, others are slamming the father of three over the fact that he didn’t seem to concerned that his son’s condition was putting other people on the plane at risk.

But while some are coming to the dad's defense, others are slamming the father of three over the fact that he didn't seem to concerned that his son's condition was putting other people on the plane at risk.

Facebook / Clay Travis

(Via Outkick the coverage and Mommy Page)

Which side are you on? Do you think Delta just did what they had to do or do you agree with the outraged dad? Let us know in the comments.

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