A Boy Got Hopelessly Lost In A Cornfield, But You Have To See Who Stayed By His Side

In autumn, tons of people find entertainment by wandering through corn mazes.

There’s a reason cornfields make their way into horror movies, though. It can be claustrophobic and terrifying to be surrounded on all sides by the same rows of corn. A grown man could even get lost in an unmarked field if he wasn’t careful.

Imagine being a two-year-old lost in that same cornfield. Being all alone must be terrifying. Fortunately for one young boy, he had a friend to keep him safe.

In Minnesota, toddler Mason slipped away from his parents and into a cornfield. They were amazed that he got so far so fast.

In Minnesota, toddler Mason slipped away from his parents and into a cornfield. They were amazed that he got so far so fast.

Youtube / Inside Edition

Police had to use a helicopter equipped to find heat signatures to locate him. But who’s that with him?

Police had to use a helicopter equipped to find heat signatures to locate him. But who's that with him?

Youtube / Inside Edition

It’s Mason’s English Springer Spaniel, Bella Grace, and her puppy Madeline. The dogs never left his side and barked to alert people to his location.

It's Mason's English Springer Spaniel, Bella Grace, and her puppy Madeline. The dogs never left his side and barked to alert people to his location.

Youtube / Inside Edition

In this terrifying situation, it was a boy’s best friend that helped him return safely home.

Youtube / Inside Edition

Thank goodness for those dogs! I’m sure Mason will be staying far, far away from any cornfields in the future.

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