Most Missed Connections Are Romantic, But Moms Will Totally Understand This One

If you’ve ever read the “Missed Connections” ads on Craigslist, you know they’re usually searching for romance.

The concept behind Missed Connections is to help people meet who may have been too shy in the moment to come say hello. In theory, it’s pretty romantic. In practice, it’s probably a little bit creepy and not the best way to find a person you’re looking for. I’m sure it’s worked for someone out there, though!

When one mom went shopping one evening in Target, she knew she had to write a Missed Connection of her own. The only difference? It was for another mom.

Nikki Pennington wrote to her “future best mom friend” on Facebook after noticing they had similar items in their carts and similar outfits on.

Nikki Pennington wrote to her "future best mom friend" on Facebook after noticing they had similar items in their carts and similar outfits on.

Facebook / Nikki Pennington

Moms everywhere can totally relate to this! Here’s her post.

Missed connections

To The Mom In TargetYou were at Target last night about 7pm in the crayon aisle. I was wearing my mom couture complete with dry shampoo hair, no makeup, yesterday’s T-shirt and yoga pants.You were also wearing yoga pants with flip flops and a messy bun. The venti Starbucks in your hand was a dead giveaway that even though you were wearing yoga pants you had in fact not come from the gym. I know because I was doing the exact same thing. #yogapantsarelifeI tried to glance at your cup to see the name of my future BMFF (best mom friend forever) but let’s be honest, at my age I’m on the verge of needing readers to see that far awayIn your cart you had diapers, soda, wine and chocolate. Again, confirming my suspicions that we in fact were meant to be best mom friends.Our carts hit once as we rounded the corner from aimlessly pretending to be shopping for something in our favorite store when in reality we were both just having a mom’s night out. I mean, we all know that’s where all moms go for a night out.So, to the fellow mom in Target last night at 7pm, if you see this and recognize this story and my Starbucks drink please know I’ll be back at Target again next week because lets be honest, I live there.Maybe I’ll see you again, sametime, same aisle and this time we can wander around aimlessly in Target together for our mom’s night out.

Moms in the comments could not get enough of her message.

Moms in the comments could not get enough of her message.

Target seems to be the perfect place for moms to get together without the kids.

Target seems to be the perfect place for moms to get together without the kids.

Her message is so funny and it touched so many moms who read it. Just a reminder when you’re out and about that people can relate to you, often more than you know.

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