They’re At It Again — More Bad Designers Make Life Way Funnier Than It Should Be

When designing any kind of product, the most basic part of the job is to think about what kind of message it will send to consumers.

That’s why it’s so important to think about any and all ways the final result may come across and then fix the issues accordingly, whether they’re confusing or just plain inappropriate. Either these people didn’t put that much effort into their quality checks or they just didn’t do them at all, because their designs are hilariously awful.

If you didn’t get your fill of crappy designers before, here are 23 more who really need to consider a new job.

1. I’m good, thanks.

I'm good, thanks.

Reddit / DragonsTurnMeOn

2. “If only there was an easier way to see who was outside your front door…”

"If only there was an easier way to see who was outside your front door..."

Reddit / The_Magi_Carpy

3. I’d rather not.

I'd rather not.

Reddit / dj_orka99

Read More: That’s Not Where A Slide Should Go…20 Designers Who Really Need New Jobs

4. Remind me again when you’re hiring?

Remind me again when you're hiring?

Reddit / NahAnyway

5. There are some places flamingo necks just shouldn’t go…

There are some places flamingo necks just shouldn't go...

Reddit / afaintsmellofcurry

6. I highly doubt ANYONE uses that bathroom.

I highly doubt ANYONE uses that bathroom.

Reddit / zorton213

7. “Never split your legs when you slide down!”

"Never split your legs when you slide down!"

Reddit / AdmitOneOnly

8. That’s not creepy in the slightest…

That's not creepy in the slightest...

Reddit / Rosrit

9. “How do we make it clear that it’s a male hand without seeing the nails?”

"How do we make it clear that it's a male hand without seeing the nails?"

Reddit / neverindoubt

10. Attention to detail definitely isn’t their strong suit.

Attention to detail definitely isn't their strong suit.

Reddit / badon_

11. “Being gay was a sin they said.”

"Being gay was a sin they said."

Reddit / TKZoroSantoryu

The failures keep on comin’. Go to the next page for some truly impressive displays of human stupidity.

12. As a woman, this makes me cringe SO much.

As a woman, this makes me cringe SO much.

Reddit / 666

13. Who needs doors that actually lock, anyway?

I Asked My Landlord to Install a Lock on My Door…

14. Because school is for fools.

Because school is for fools.


15. This had to have been intentional.

This had to have been intentional.

Reddit / dwThread

16. I didn’t know such a child could exist.

I didn't know such a child could exist.

Reddit / boobooob

17. I can’t disagree with you there.

I can't disagree with you there.

Reddit / lama579

18. Seriously, why?

Seriously, why?

Reddit / ViolentThespian

19. “Thanks for reminding me.”

"Thanks for reminding me."

Reddit / Conicius

20. Way to set them up for failure.

Way to set them up for failure.

Reddit / peggiep9pm

21. “Well, that sure explains this giant thing growing in my belly!”

"Well, that sure explains this giant thing growing in my belly!"

Reddit / Explodinator580

22. “A solar powered parking meter in an underground garage.”

"A solar powered parking meter in an underground garage."

Reddit / Kadnify

23. For all the three-legged men in your life.

For all the three-legged men in your life.

Reddit / deepshitgoeshere

(via BoredPanda)

I’m honestly baffled at the lack of thought that went into all these things. Be sure to share these hilarious fails with others if you can’t believe nobody caught them during production.


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