He Was So Confused When He Saw His Wife After Deployment (For The Cutest Reason)

Natasha Daugherty from Temecula, California, had just said goodbye to her husband, Chris, when she got some very exciting news.

Natasha and Chris already had three children together when he was deployed with the U.S. Navy. A week after he left, Natasha found out that they were going to add another member to their family. But instead of writing Chris and letting him know about their new little bundle of joy growing inside her, she decided to wait it out for months so she could surprise him when he came back.

When Chris got home after serving six months overseas, he was first greeted by his happy kids.

When Chris got home after serving six months overseas, he was first greeted by his happy kids.

Facebook / Love What Matters

As he started walking over to Natasha for a hug…

As he started walking over to Natasha for a hug...

Facebook / Love What Matters

…she pulled her welcome sign away from her belly while he looked on in shock.

...she pulled her welcome sign away from her belly while he looked on in shock.

Facebook / Love What Matters

Watch as Chris finds out he’s going to have a fourth child. The look on his face is priceless!


While Chris didn’t get to find out about the pregnancy until it was nearly to term, Natasha did wait to hear the gender. They both learned they were having a little girl at a gender reveal party, and Chris will definitely get to be there for the birth. Be sure to share this family’s special moment if it warmed your heart.

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