This Adorable Pup Is All Of Us Chilling And Listening To Our Favorite Band

Most of us who have dogs know that they enjoy listening to music. Some pups, like this cutie, love it so much that they even go to concerts.

When the Vienna Chamber Orchestra got on stage at the International Izmir Festival in Ephesus, Turkey, this year, they probably weren’t expecting a dog to be part of their audience. But as they began playing Felix Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 4, an adorable Labrador strolled out and parked himself right in front of them.

The audience couldn’t hold back their laughter when they saw the pup walk across the stage.

The audience couldn't hold back their laughter when they saw the pup walk across the stage.

Screenshot / Daily Mail

After finding the perfect spot, he plopped down on the floor and settled in for some beautiful classical music.

After finding the perfect spot, he plopped down on the floor and settled in for some beautiful classical music.

Screenshot / Daily Mail

Watch as the orchestra members do their best to maintain composure in the dog’s presence. That’s one content pup!

I think we just found the orchestra’s biggest (furry) fan! Share if your dogs love listening to music, too!

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