You’ll Melt When You See What Happens When This Cat’s Favorite Human Plays The Piano

They say that animals really do enjoy listening to music, especially of the classical genre, and if this adorable kitty is any indication, it’s definitely true.

Sarper Duman is a pianist from Istanbul, Turkey, who rescues injured cats from the streets and nurses them back to health in his home. All of his furry roommates love listening to him play the piano, but one is particularly smitten with the way he tickles the ivories.

Watch as this kitty enters a state of nirvana while listening to Duman play. The little cutie is so happy that you can even hear him purring!

Is anyone else about ready to swoon from the cuteness? To listen to more of Duman’s beautiful music and to see more of the kitties he takes care of, be sure to check him out on YouTube and Instagram.

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