HR Manager Mistreats Applicant With Limited English Skills, Gets What He Deserves

Immigrants are smart, hardworking people who just want a chance to succeed like everyone else.

But sadly, they’re often treated as if they’re the exact opposite, especially if they don’t speak fluent English.Even so-called professionals buy into these stereotypes and refuse to consider otherwise qualified candidates for a job. Then there are the jerks who openly and blatantly disrespect such applicants, like former HR Manager Bruce Peterson.

Minh Huynh is a Vietnamese immigrant with limited English skills. He’s been looking for work and recently applied for a position he had relevant experience for. Not only did Peterson reject Huynh, but he degraded him as well. Shocked and disgusted by what she saw, Emily, Minh’s daughter, shared the exchange to expose Peterson’s discrimination.

“My dad told me that he isn’t that ‘hurt’ by it, but there’s a big stigma around Asian immigrant parents that deal with this all the time,” Emily told NextShark.

“They brush it off because they don’t understand the depth of the situation. People always use micro-aggression with or without knowing they do which is a big concern when it comes to the treatment of future citizens.”

People rallied around Huynh after learning how he’d been treated, with many offering to help him find a job. One person even got an attorney involved and alerted the company to Peterson’s actions.

And just a day later, Huynh and his daughter got some pretty great news — Kevin Bus, the owner of the company, reached out to apologize for the incident and let them know that Peterson had been fired.

Emily says her dad doesn’t harbor any bad feelings; rather, he just wants to let the whole thing go and work on learning more English words.

But it must have felt pretty great when he received an apologetic email from none other than Peterson himself.

(via Bored Panda)

Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, no matter where they come from or what language they speak. Huynh’s gracious and forgiving nature is something we could all learn from, including those of us whose first language is English. The United States has no official language and in any case, respect should just be a given.

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