This Cop Thought A Traffic Stop Was His Biggest Problem…Then He Saw Them Running

Police officers see a lot of strange and horrifying things on the job, but I’m willing to bet that this cop never expected what happened to him.

After signaling a car to pull over on the side of a Russian road, the officer walked over to speak with the driver for a few moments.Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at all — well, at least until he saw a pack of wolves running straight for him in the middle of the street.There really wasn’t anything else for him to do besides jump into the car before they could reach him.

Though it looks like they just meant to run past the terrified guy, I would’ve done the same thing.

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You really have to wonder whether they had a destination in mind or they were running away from something else.Be sure to share this video with your friends to find out what they’d do in this situation.

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