What This Man Did To A Baby Is So Awful That The FBI Is Now Involved

Children are some of the most cherished and helpless members of our society.

They often can’t defend themselves, especially against adults who want to use them for nefarious purposes. That’s why we take care of them and watch over them. Still, there are people out there who get away with hurting kids…but sometimes, even the FBI steps in to make sure justice is served.

Derrick Joseph Rady was indicted by the FBI on one count of sexual exploitation of a minor and distribution of child pornography after he engaged in sexually explicit conduct with a one-year-old and put that crime online for others to see.

Derrick Joseph Rady was indicted by the FBI on one count of sexual exploitation of a minor and distribution of child pornography after he engaged in sexually explicit conduct with a one-year-old and put that crime online for others to see.

Facebook / Where is baby Kate?

Websites like Facebook and Google reported possible child pornography to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which then worked with the FBI to arrest Rady. The authorities confiscated several electronic devices.

Websites like Facebook and Google reported possible child pornography to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which then worked with the FBI to arrest Rady. The authorities confiscated several electronic devices.

Flickr / Beth Cortez-Neavel

Rady faces a minimum of 20 years in prison, with a maximum sentence of 50. Due to the nature of the crime, we can only hope he’ll receive the toughest sentence possible.

Rady faces a minimum of 20 years in prison, with a maximum sentence of 50. Due to the nature of the crime, we can only hope he'll receive the toughest sentence possible.

Flickr / Dave Nakayama

(via Justice.gov)

What that man did is unthinkable. Share this if you believe he should spend the rest of his life locked up far away from children.

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