These People Were Staying At A Hotel When They Heard The Most Beautiful Sound

Like many others, I usually stay in my room when I spend the night at a hotel.

Unless there’s a big event happening somewhere on the property, there’s usually not much reason to venture out to the lobby.But had I been at this particular hotel in Kentucky, there’s no way I would’ve been able to ignore the group of people just outside the rooms.

Every year, hundreds of high school students attend the Kentucky Music Educators Association conference.In 2015, over 500 of them gathered together in a hotel lobby.When you hear their traditional way of starting each conference, you’ll be amazed at their talent.

Isn’t it incredible?

Read More: A Group Of Singers Gathered In A Train Station And Sang A Hauntingly Beautiful Hymn

I’ve heard the national anthem plenty of times, but it’s never moved me as much as it did just now.Share this video with others if you feel the same way.

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She Got A Call Saying Her Horse Was Dead. When She Went Outside, Hilarity Ensued
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