We All Know Orangutans Are Smart, But What One Asked A Woman To Do Is Incredible

Orangutans are among the smartest animals in the world.

They can recognize themselves, choose branches they know can support their body weight, keep track of what gifts they’ve exchanged with each other, and have been observed using a variety of tools. To witness a creature demonstrating such intelligence is incredible, which is something one woman experienced when she went to the Indiana Zoo with her boyfriend.

While visiting Rocky the orangutan, Darci Miller noticed how curious he seemed to be about her bandages. “The orangutan was completely interested in my burn scars and recent surgery sights,” she said. “I am a burn survivor from 2015.”

While visiting Rocky the orangutan, Darci Miller noticed how curious he seemed to be about her bandages. "The orangutan was completely interested in my burn scars and recent surgery sights," she said. "I am a burn survivor from 2015."

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He would point at the bandage as if asking her to show him what was underneath. When she leaned closer, he studied her shoulder in fascination.

He would point at the bandage as if asking her to show him what was underneath. When she leaned closer, he studied her shoulder in fascination.

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Check out their amazing encounter below.


According to zookeepers, this is normal behavior for Rocky. I can only hope that with his obvious intelligence, he gets plenty of enrichment to keep his mind busy.

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