She Lied To Her Son For Months, But It Was All For The Cutest Surprise Ever

I’m one of those people who doesn’t really like surprises.

I love to have things planned out and know exactly what’s going on. But I’m not totally opposed to them, especially when the result is something amazing. One mom in Colorado pulled off her long con in style, telling her son that they were traveling to Colorado Springs to try some Mexican food. What happened next is heartwarming and adorable.

First she asks him what he thinks they’re doing there, and he looks totally confused.

First she asks him what he thinks they're doing there, and he looks totally confused.

Facebook / The Dodo

Read More: These Little Joeys Are Getting Ready For A Nap And It’s So Zen It’ll Make You Sleepy

Then, when she asks him what the greatest surprise ever would be, it starts to dawn on him. Head to the next page for her big reveal!

Then, when she asks him what the greatest surprise ever would be, it starts to dawn on him. Head to the next page for her big reveal!

Facebook / The Dodo

Mom really pulled off the best surprise ever!

The little pup was named Levi, and he’s happy as can be in his forever home. Aww!

The little pup was named Levi, and he's happy as can be in his forever home. Aww!

Facebook / Gabe Baer

Now he’s a little bigger, but there’s no less love between these two besties.

Now he's a little bigger, but there's no less love between these two besties.

Facebook / Gabe Baer

What a great mom and a great surprise! It’s so nice to see Levi and his best buddy so happy together. Share their heartwarming story with all the dog lovers in your life!


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