These 20 Astoundingly Stupid Tattoo Fails Are Bound To Make You Cringe

Getting tattoos is a really fun and addicting way to decorate your body, which is why so many people don’t just stop at one. But some don’t seem to think much about the fact that they’re, well, permanent.

Many have gotten inked up in their younger years only to regret it later down the line because their interests have changed, while others don’t consider their design carefully enough before having it etched onto their skin. Either way, there are plenty of people with terrible or just plain hideous tattoos…and here are 20 of the worst.

1. Somebody put this poor creature out of its misery.

2. “Girl who posts a lot of religiously passionate statuses ended up showing off her tattoo.”

"Girl who posts a lot of religiously passionate statuses ended up showing off her tattoo."

Reddit / AbstractSkylines

3. Yes, always give up. Especially on your tattoo ideas.

4. And here’s the weirdest-looking paw you’ve ever seen.

5. If “profecional” means cross-eyed, I’m out.

If "profecional" means cross-eyed, I'm out.

Reddit / Makovu

6. “Grandpa died in 7/14/04,” not 6/14/04.

"Grandpa died in 7/14/04," not 6/14/04.

Reddit / brdavi

7. Looks just like a cougar.

8. That’s all too apparent, buddy.

9. There’s no way that isn’t infected.

There's no way that isn't infected.

Reddit / xthebirdhouse

10. “God is Lowe.”

11. Way to turn your baby into a terrifying little gremlin.

12. …But anchors do sink.

...But anchors do sink.

Reddit / Shadrack_Meshax

13. Charmander has definitely seen better days.

14. You sure about that?

15. Proud is probably the last thing you should be feeling right now.

16. When your lesbian tattoo ends up featuring gay male symbols instead.

When your lesbian tattoo ends up featuring gay male symbols instead.

Imgur / Crystal1987

17. Even the name was horribly butchered.

18. Have fun ever finding a job again.

19. But…why?

20. Mama would be so proud.

(via BoredPanda)

Yikes. Just yikes. Let these monstrosities serve as a reminder that it’s never a bad idea to wait before you go under the tattoo gun.

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