This Teacher Said No Surprise Parties, But They Threw Him One…And It Backfired

I think surprise parties are the best, but some people totally hate them.

Even if those trying to make your day have the best of intentions, their surprise can make your anxiety peak. That initial shock sometimes causes people to do some crazy things…

When one Spanish teacher was taken aback by his students singing the Spanish version of “Happy Birthday,” he was not pleased at all.

A student tried to take a selfie with him to mark the occasion, but the teacher did something completely crazy. Watch what happened in the video below.

Read More: He Kept His Daughter’s Back To The Stage. When She Spun Around, Her Jaw Dropped!

I was in shock after he threw the kid’s phone, but don’t worry. It seems like this prank was actually on us.

I was in shock after he threw the kid's phone, but don't worry. It seems like this prank was actually on us.

Reddit / mcmp87

Phew! Be sure to remember this worst-case scenario next time you want to surprise someone, and share this with the fun-loving people in your life who will get a kick out of it.

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