14 Insane Optical Illusions That Are More Than A Little Terrifying

Optical illusions are a fun way to pass the time. They put your brain through its paces and get all the neurons firing. But while they can be fun and silly, they can also be freaky and terrifying. Take these 14 optical illusions, for example. Once you see what they’re hiding, you might just scream a little bit.

1. How many skulls can you spot in this one?

How many skulls can you spot in this one?

Brain Den

2. Two children and their dog, or a skull?

Two children and their dog, or a skull?


3. Wolves are lurking everywhere in this picture.

Wolves are lurking everywhere in this picture.

The Design Work

4. Animal face.

Animal face.

Brain Den

5. A cat and a mouse?

A cat and a mouse?

Brain Den

6. Move back from your computer and you’ll notice that the scary face and the calm face switch places.

Move back from your computer and you'll notice that the scary face and the calm face switch places.

Brain Den

7. Two lovers, or something much more ominous?

Two lovers, or something much more ominous?


8. There are 13 hidden faces in this picture.

There are 13 hidden faces in this picture.


9. Do you see a woman standing or the head of something terrifying?

Do you see a woman standing or the head of something terrifying?

The Design Work

10. There’s only one skull hidden in this picture.

There's only one skull hidden in this picture.

Brain Den

11. Stare at her eyes long enough and you’ll see why this one made the list.

Stare at her eyes long enough and you'll see why this one made the list.

The Design Work

12. Up close, this photo looks like Albert Einstein. However, if you step back about 15 feet, it turns into Marilyn Monroe.

Up close, this photo looks like Albert Einstein. However, if you step back about 15 feet, it turns into Marilyn Monroe.

Brain Den

13. Look closely. Do you see what I see?

Look closely. Do you see what I see?

Mighty Optical Illusions

14. It’s Harry Houdini, but which direction is he looking?

It's Harry Houdini, but which direction is he looking?

Mighty Optical Illusions

(via Brain Den)

I’m not sure why that Harry Houdini one is so terrifying. Maybe it’s because no matter which way you look at the photo, his eye is still staring into your soul. Now I’m going to be looking for hidden skulls in everything I see today.

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