Here Are 13 Extremely Disturbing Things Google Maps Inadvertently Caught On Film

Being a Google Maps engineer must be one of the best jobs in the world. You get to drive a cool car from Google and have the chance to document the world around you for all to see. It probably pays pretty well, too.

However, having all that Google swag can make you a target for people from all walks of life. Outsider interactions with the Google Street View car can result in some hilarious circumstances, or (more often) create some dangerous and uncomfortable scenarios. Don’t believe me? Just ask these 13 Google employees…

1. Cops making an arrest.

Cops making an arrest.


2. The remains of the overturned Italian cruise ship, the Costa Concordia.

The remains of the overturned Italian cruise ship, the Costa Concordia.


3. Opening fire on the Google Street View car in Colombia.

Opening fire on the Google Street View car in Colombia.


4. The scene of a murder as seen from Google Maps.

The scene of a murder as seen from Google Maps.

Google Sight Seeing

5. These guys are clearly not happy to see the Google van.

These guys are clearly not happy to see the Google van.


6. An injured bull in the road.

An injured bull in the road.


7. Another murder scene?

Another murder scene?


(People online later claimed the dark spots were made by a dog getting out of the water.)

8. Judging from these photos, it looks like the van actually hit that poor donkey.

Judging from these photos, it looks like the van actually hit that poor donkey.


9. On his way to the station.

On his way to the station.


10. An aerial view of a farm in Switzerland growing a crop of marijuana.

An aerial view of a farm in Switzerland growing a crop of marijuana.

Google Earth Blog

11. An entire drug deal going down caught by Google Maps in Chicago.

An entire drug deal going down caught by Google Maps in Chicago.


12. Getting ready for something messy.

Getting ready for something messy.


13. How rude.

How rude.


I had no idea there were so many dead bodies and crime scenes available on Google Maps. I hope Google gets around to scrubbing those out of its database sometime soon. One thing is for certain, though: I won’t be visiting these places anytime soon.

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