15 Christmas Decorations That Never, Ever Should Have Been Used

It’s that time of year again for us to pull out those boxes from our attics and garages, dust off the ornaments inside, and hang them on our Christmas trees.

But while most people’s decorations have a red and green theme or feature Santa, cherubic angels, and nativity scenes, others choose decidedly more unique displays to get into the festive spirit — some of which are downright bizarre and completely inappropriate.

If you’re still looking for ways to brighten up your home for the winter holiday, here’s are some great suggestions for how NOT to decorate for Christmas. Be warned that there are a few graphic images below.

1. Have a pet snake? Life pro tip: their shed skins equal free garlands for the tree!

Have a pet snake? Life pro tip: their shed skins equal free garlands for the tree!

Reddit / eggmobile

2. These vintage ornaments belong in one place: the trash.

These vintage ornaments belong in one place: the trash.

Reddit / Beepis1

3. When you see it…

When you see it...

Reddit / jlobes

4. ‘Tis the season to be frightened to death by this monstrosity.

'Tis the season to be frightened to death by this monstrosity.

Reddit / jclimbs

5. “My mom went Christmas decoration shopping and came home with this.”

"My mom went Christmas decoration shopping and came home with this."

Reddit / AustinMac

6. For all you “Human Centipede” fans out there.


7. This display is called a Caganer, which is apparently a popular figure in nativity scenes in Catalonia. The more you know, I guess?

This display is called a Caganer, which is apparently a popular figure in nativity scenes in Catalonia. The more you know, I guess?

Reddit / brainburger

8. This is perhaps the worst possible place you could ever put Santa. Also, what’s with the whole cyclops thing?

This is perhaps the worst possible place you could ever put Santa. Also, what's with the whole cyclops thing?

Reddit / travel__time

9. There’s nothing creepy about depicting Santa as a kidnapper.


10. You better watch out, you better not cry…or this fun guy might shank you.

You better watch out, you better not cry...or this fun guy might shank you.

Reddit / CCI_Hockey14

11. I would love to know whether anyone’s actually bought one of these freaky things.

I would love to know whether anyone's actually bought one of these freaky things.

Reddit / CenturionElite

12. “Was out for a walk tonight to see Christmas lights. Found these decorations instead.”

"Was out for a walk tonight to see Christmas lights. Found these decorations instead."

Reddit / sidebraid

Reddit / sidebraid

13. “Why you don’t put Christmas lights on palm trees.”

"Why you don’t put Christmas lights on palm trees."

Twitter / _youhadonejob1

14. Seriously, why all the phallic Christmas imagery?

Seriously, why all the phallic Christmas imagery?

Imgur / systemg7

15. “Just an innocent Christmas decoration…until you turn it around. That’s a knife in his hand.”

"Just an innocent Christmas decoration...until you turn it around. That's a knife in his hand."

Imgur / 12stMuffin

Imgur / 12stMuffin

I guess some people just like a little nightmare with their Christmas. As for me, I’ll stick with all the traditional decorations.


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