28 Cats Who Love Cardboard Boxes More Than Anything Else In Life

Every cat owner who’s ever received a package in the mail knows they can’t turn their back for more than two seconds after opening the delivery before their feline friend claims the cardboard box for themselves.

Researchers are still working to figure out what exactly makes these simple paper squares so magnetic to our silly kitties, but we all know they’re too adorable to deny them this simple pleasure. However, these cuties may need an intervention soon…

1. “Soft, pillowy, comfy bed? Nah.”

"Soft, pillowy, comfy bed? Nah."

Reddit / Erd91

2. “Back away from the box and my claws will stay where they are.”

"Back away from the box and my claws will stay where they are."

Reddit / sunfork

3. “It’s so roomy!”

"It's so roomy!"

Reddit / dustybizzle

4. “Is that a bigger box over there?”

"Is that a bigger box over there?"

Reddit / dtc

5. “How DARE you try to recycle my best friend.”

"How DARE you try to recycle my best friend."

Reddit / frozenminutes

6. I think someone might have a problem…

I think someone might have a problem...

Reddit / Birtwell

7. He has literally never been happier.

He has literally never been happier.

Reddit / Emmash

8. “This is fine! Everything is fine!!”

"This is fine! Everything is fine!!"

Reddit / chemicalgeekery

9. Cuddles feel better in cardboard…even if you don’t exactly fit.

Cuddles feel better in cardboard...even if you don't exactly fit.

Reddit / puddnhead_whaleson

10. “You give me a castle when you decide we’re going to move? Not happening.”

"You give me a castle when you decide we're going to move? Not happening."

Reddit / youmumumakemehappy

11. “It’s like the best hug ever!”

"It's like the best hug ever!"

Reddit / xadler

12. “Um…may we help you?”

"Um...may we help you?"

Reddit / verwunst

13. “I am never leaving here. I’m not joking.”

"I am never leaving here. I'm not joking."

Reddit / radicallay

14. Perfect solution for the bed vs. cardboard debate.

Perfect solution for the bed vs. cardboard debate.

Reddit / Thetrueredditmaster

15. “I think we could fit another wing on here…”

"I think we could fit another wing on here..."

Reddit / Tab-itha-Lou

16. He takes both nap and snack time very seriously.

He takes both nap and snack time very seriously.

Reddit / wampastompa09



Reddit / ChunkyC

18. “Enter at your own risk!”

"Enter at your own risk!"

Reddit / Hodorhohodor

19. “Sorry, this box is invitation only.”

"Sorry, this box is invitation only."

Reddit / Galashots

20. This little king is not going to give up his castle.

This little king is not going to give up his castle.

Reddit / Fanaman



Reddit / lbeau310

22. “You get a toy, we get a toy. Got it?”

"You get a toy, we get a toy. Got it?"

Reddit / alwilliams

23. “You can’t see me. Go away.”

"You can't see me. Go away."

Reddit / teduh

24. “Where’s the rest of it?”

"Where's the rest of it?"

Reddit / peenee3513

25. “Dude, this is way better than last Christmas.” “I know, man.”

"Dude, this is way better than last Christmas." "I know, man."

Reddit / ChestyBear

26. “Take that plastic thing away from me.”

"Take that plastic thing away from me."

Reddit / pvc

27. The first box is the sweetest.

The first box is the sweetest.

Reddit / JankyTango

28. Spend lots of dough on a cat paradise or…

Spend lots of dough on a cat paradise or...

Reddit / Isai76

That said, who are we to judge their adorable vices? Just make sure they don’t see you on recycling day. They might never forgive you.

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