27 Of The Strangest, Most Disturbing Things Ever Found On Craigslist

No matter if you’re searching for a good deal on used furniture, trying to find a missed connection, or just need to feel better about yourself, Craigslist is the place for you.

The site provides a few measures to weed out spam, schemes, and other content that shouldn’t be on the site, but they don’t catch everything. Sometimes, really…interesting…posts and ads fall through the cracks.

Here are 27 weird, disturbing Craigslist finds and ads from around the world that really have me questioning people’s sanity.

1. Who has something like this just lying around their house?

Who has something like this just lying around their house?


2. Grape freeze pops are literally the worst.

Grape freeze pops are literally the worst.

Reddit / happyjakk

3. Sometimes accidents happen.

Sometimes accidents happen.

Reddit / christopherph

4. Post-op mannequin, anyone?

Post-op mannequin, anyone?

Reddit / orangepenguino

5. When you put your two loves into one painting.

When you put your two loves into one painting.

Reddit / MGTS

6. I don’t know what an African judgment chair is, but I’m not sure it’s worth $3,500.

I don't know what an African judgment chair is, but I'm not sure it's worth $3,500.

Reddit / bmet

7. A Craigslist ad for anyone that’s ever wanted to feel like a zoo animal.

A Craigslist ad for anyone that's ever wanted to feel like a zoo animal.

Reddit / surrogatekey

8. Two heads are better than one.

Two heads are better than one.

Reddit / IWasStardust

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9. These lovely bones were found in an empty fish tank.

These lovely bones were found in an empty fish tank.

Reddit / PGH_Snake

10. This is what it looked like after they cleaned it.

This is what it looked like after they cleaned it.

Reddit / roseanna777

11. I wouldn’t trust my money in this creepy piggy bank.

I wouldn't trust my money in this creepy piggy bank.

Reddit / cocomeow

12. A real-life “Breaking Bad” in the making.

A real-life "Breaking Bad" in the making.

Reddit / drewniverse

13. I’m pretty sure all Walmarts have bathrooms.

I'm pretty sure all Walmarts have bathrooms.

Reddit / Jackor93

14. I can see why this was being given away for free.

I can see why this was being given away for free.

Reddit / thegarrettt

15. A microwave with a built-in cockroach clock. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of.

A microwave with a built-in cockroach clock. It's what I've always dreamed of.

Reddit / Love_Indubitably

16. This was found in a bag of yarn that someone bought on Craigslist. Is it any wonder that it wasn’t mentioned in the post?

This was found in a bag of yarn that someone bought on Craigslist. Is it any wonder that it wasn't mentioned in the post?

Reddit / tiawvu

17. This guy might want to learn how to crop his photos.

This guy might want to learn how to crop his photos.

Reddit /Bleuser

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18. How does one amass a collection of narwhal horns in the first place?

How does one amass a collection of narwhal horns in the first place?

Reddit / nyislanders2121

19. Playing catch long into the afterlife.

Playing catch long into the afterlife.

Reddit / peanutbutterscotch

20. If a Pringles can is an important component of your car, it’s probably best to just keep it off of buy-and-sell websites.

If a Pringles can is an important component of your car, it's probably best to just keep it off of buy-and-sell websites.

Reddit / ishouldstopsmoking

21. If this was collecting dust in my house, I’d try to get rid of it, too.

If this was collecting dust in my house, I'd try to get rid of it, too.

Reddit / lbbhct

22. A dead boy’s crutches in exchange for cigarettes.What a world we live in.

A dead boy's crutches in exchange for cigarettes.What a world we live in.

Reddit / NeverGonnaTell

23. This little piggy went to market, this little piggy found a new home.

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy found a new home.

Reddit / makinba

24. This waiter can’t even keep his food on his tray.

This waiter can't even keep his food on his tray.

Reddit / sophiatops

25. For the person who always feels like they’re being watched.

For the person who always feels like they're being watched.

Reddit / Drunk_Electric_Fire

26. A clown is probably the last person on earth I would want consoling me.

A clown is probably the last person on earth I would want consoling me.

Reddit / naegle

Read More: These 7 Craigslist Ads About Dogs Will Have You Howling With Laughter

27. Now you can smoke your meats and give them a proper burial.

Now you can smoke your meats and give them a proper burial.

Reddit / mathew6611

I think I’m going to steer clear of Craigslist for a while. I need some time to recover.

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