Snakes in the Pool?! Why Your Noodles Might Be Hiding a Surprise

Pool noodles are always fun in the pool. It’s a chance for the kids to play, have fake sword fights and more. Everyone can cool down on a hot summer day. You may even be floating in the middle of the pool on a giant flamingo or unicorn.

What you don’t want is for anyone to start screaming because of what comes from inside one of those pool noodles.

Firefighters will warn that snakes can hide inside pool noodles. It’s terrifying, really.

The Tale of an Arizona Family

One family in Arizona went for a swim in their pool. Kids grabbed for pool noodles, and they quickly realized something was alive in the middle of one. It was a baby rattlesnake.

The kids were sent indoors, and the parents called the fire department.

The firefighters were not surprised. They get these kinds of calls all the time. It turns out the little snakes (nope ropes as I like to call them) love to use pool noodles for hiding places.

Check Your Pool Noodles

If you don’t want to play hide & seek with snakes when it’s time to go into the pool, there are some things you’ll want to do.

Some snakes will lay eggs inside pool noodles. You need to be sure that you’re storing your pool noodles safely. If you leave them against the home, near bushes, or around fences, you’re inviting creatures to enter the tubes.

What are the chances of you finding a snake in your pool noodle? It depends on where you live. If you do find one, stay calm. Call the fire department if necessary.

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