It’s the plot of countless television sitcoms — kid gets a hold of scissors and cuts their own hair.
The reason it’s so hilarious is because children accidentally giving themselves terrible haircuts happens all the time. For some precocious kiddos, the allure of the scissors is too much to resist, and their parents just have to laugh. Fortunately for us, lots of them also post their kids’ haircut mishaps on the internet because the internet has to be good for something. Put your scissors down and check out these kids who did a number on their own hair.
1. “His older brother thought that this was funny. His father does, too!” – evil__bob
Read More: 24 Kid Fails That Will Make You So Thankful Facebook Wasn’t A Thing Back In Your Day
2. “My client’s daughter cut her own hair. I am a hairdresser. She asked me if I could fix it. NOPE.” – snipandclip
3. “My daughter gave herself this haircut last week. I about died.” – Stephanie Klindt Cook
Facebook / Stephanie Klindt Cook
4. “My kid decided to trim his eyebrows. When he cut them too short he decided to cut hair from his head and glue it to his eyebrows. He immediately regretted his decision.” – leeto86
5. “My eight-year-old niece doesn’t know how hair works. She got tired of her bangs so she cut them off.” – jennthemermaid
6. This little stinker named Justin went for the patchy look with his cut.
7. “Look who cut her own hair!” – Mamawookie
8. “Avery cuts her own hair.” – donnyfbliss
9. “Apalling as it may be, she is actually my 3rdchild (out of 3) to cut her own hair without us knowing.Now, I know what you are thinking, ‘Why are your kids left unattended with scissors?’ And to be honest, I don’t really have a good answer for this, other than they found scissors, and seemed to think that a little trim was a good idea.” – Stephanie May
10. “Joe Dirt?” – drkangel762
11. “He wanted his hair to match his daddy’s! I found him in the playroom with my peanut trimmers cutting off all his pretty red hair!” – Natalie Bradford LeBaron
Facebook / Natalie Bradford LeBaron
12. “Laelia cut her own hair. And the lady at Supercuts evened it out for her birthday. (It’s short, y’all.)”
13. “He wanted a Mohawk. He used ‘daddy’s brush’ aka clippers.” – Elisa von Heimburg-Bryant
Facebook / Elisa von Heimburg-Bryant
14. “My son Jackson (6 yrs old) shaved his eyebrow right before picture day with his dad’s nose hair trimmers!” – Kelly Keefe-Taylor
15. “When your five-year-old brother cut his own hair because he said he wants to look crispy for the girls.” – @ericarobinson_
16. “My husband had trimmed his beard and left the buzzers on the bathroom sink! Big mistake!!” – healthandaloe
17. “All I wanted was to go pee by myself, then he cut his own hair…” – CastianaSahal
18. “Mom, is it REALLY messed up?” – Cindie Sorenson-Batterman
Facebook / Cindie Sorenson-Batterman
19. “I called this the mug shot. Smiley did the honors. 20 years ago.” – Ronda Hess
20. “I was just telling my friend that I was going to let it grow out because he has pretty wavy hair. We get home, I go into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner [and] about 5 mins later he comes down stairs so happy and excited and exclaims ‘Mom, do you like my nice new hair cut?’ I almost had a heart attack.” – Jennifer Dominguez
21. “This morning Abel cut his own hair. He didn’t [do] a very good job since he gave himself a bald patch in the center front of his head.”
(via BoredPanda)
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