Here We Have Video Evidence Of Black Mirror Coming To Life And The Robots Killing Us All

Netflix’s sci-fi hit “Black Mirror” continues to torment the hearts and minds of millions of viewers as they masterfully create these technology-based dystopias that sometimes toe the line between fiction and reality.

In the episode, “Metalhead” skillfully-trained robot dogs are tasked with hunting down humans, and because we can’t have nice things, something eerily similar to these metal beasts has just been unveiled at International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Known as “Prosthesis.” this 15-feet tall robotic exoskeleton can run at speeds of roughly 20 miles per hour while remaining virtually silent. For now, these giant racing beasts are manned by a human pilot who stands at the center of the exoskeleton, using arm movements to propel forward.

These massive “anti-robots” are meant to race head-to-head with other robots, but let’s be real. It’s only a matter of time before these machines start taking over our terrain.

(via Daily Mail)

If I wasn’t already sick of advancing technology before, pretty soon I’ll be fearing for my life. All it takes is for one of these bad boys to get into the hands of someone with ill intentions and before you know it we’ll have bigger problems on our hands.

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