Siblings Fight In The Most Epic Ways — Here Are 17 Rivalries For The Ages

Getting along with our siblings is tough sometimes.

My sister and I have gotten into fights so many times. Usually, though, we look back on our disputes and laugh. I hope that’s what happens with these siblings, all of whom are excellent at being hilariously terrible to each other. I can’t stop laughing!

1. “My brother had to work, so he asked me to save him a little bit of everything….” – Seely2593

"My brother had to work, so he asked me to save him a little bit of everything...." - Seely2593

Reddit / Seely2593

2. “Today was extremely hot and my brother offered me this. I don’t know if I should be angry or impressed.” – MrRoom559

"Today was extremely hot and my brother offered me this. I don't know if I should be angry or impressed." - MrRoom559

Reddit / MrRoom559

3. “So my cocky younger brother made me a playlist.” – BBbakenshake

"So my cocky younger brother made me a playlist." - BBbakenshake

Reddit / BBshakenbake

4. “My wife just graduated from the police academy and her sister sent these to our house.” – MrDislexyc

"My wife just graduated from the police academy and her sister sent these to our house." - MrDislexyc

Reddit / Mr_Dislexyc

5. “I replaced a picture of my sister with one of Vladimir Putin before my family came over for Christmas, they haven’t noticed yet.” – kittie-cat

"I replaced a picture of my sister with one of Vladimir Putin before my family came over for Christmas, they haven't noticed yet." - kittie-cat

Reddit / kittie-cat

6. “Ever want to punch your little brother in the face?” – Ramblindan

"Ever want to punch your little brother in the face?" - Ramblindan

Reddit / Ramblindan

7. “My sister is a vegan. Last night she & a few friends crashed & passed out in my pad. She’s going to be so confused when she wakes up.” – tomthefnkid

"My sister is a vegan. Last night she & a few friends crashed & passed out in my pad. She's going to be so confused when she wakes up." - tomthefnkid

Imgur / tomthefnkid

8. “Sweet, ice cream!” “God fucking dammit sister!” – DeliciouzWafflz

"Sweet, ice cream!" "God fucking dammit sister!" - DeliciouzWafflz

Reddit / DeliciouzWafflz

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9. “My sister just got married, she asked me to save her a newspaper from her wedding day.” – alienufosarereal

"My sister just got married, she asked me to save her a newspaper from her wedding day." - alienufosarereal

Reddit / alienufosarereal

10. “Sending weirdly cropped photos to my brother.” – largadeer

"Sending weirdly cropped photos to my brother." - largadeer

Reddit / largadeer

11. “My brother changed our names on his Netflix account…” – Godoffail

"My brother changed our names on his Netflix account..." - Godoffail

Reddit / Godoffail

12. “My younger brother, everyone.” – Purple-Smart

"My younger brother, everyone." - Purple-Smart

Reddit / Purple-Smart

13. “My sister’s nickname is Giraffe because she has a long neck. She hates it. This is going to be my birthday to her, lol.” – stblaloc

"My sister's nickname is Giraffe because she has a long neck. She hates it. This is going to be my birthday to her, lol." - stblaloc

Imgur / stblaloc

14. “Girls, where’s your sister?” – chopthebass

"Girls, where's your sister?" - chopthebass

Imgur / chopthebass

15. “Mom: ‘Your sister is sleeping in your room tonight.’ Me:” – clarizzle_

"Mom: 'Your sister is sleeping in your room tonight.' Me:" - clarizzle_

Twitter / clarizzle_

16. “Ordered new sneakers, asked little brother for pics while I’m at work.” – EazyE973

"Ordered new sneakers, asked little brother for pics while I'm at work." - EazyE973

Imgur / EazyE973

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17. “Got revenge on my sister by hiding her science presentation in a maze of folders.” – tyler123321

"Got revenge on my sister by hiding her science presentation in a maze of folders." - tyler123321

Reddit / tyler123321

LOL! I can definitely relate to some of these. Share them with your siblings, and tell us about the pranks that you guys have pulled in the comments!

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