This Powerful Photo Set Will Make You Think About Voting So Differently

Voting is a serious responsibility and civic duty.

So many people choose not to exercise their right to vote, but what they may not realize is that for hundreds of years people have fought for the right to cast a ballot. While women’s suffrage is the most famous example of fighting for the right to vote, voting rights have actually been granted incrementally, and we still have a long way to go.

Check out this powerful photoset.

The organization Roaring Gold recently asked people to submit photos of themselves holding a sign with one simple piece of information: when people of their demographic were allowed to vote in the United States.

The organization Roaring Gold recently asked people to submit photos of themselves holding a sign with one simple piece of information: when people of their demographic were allowed to vote in the United States.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

After we gained independence, white men were granted the right to vote as long as they owned land. Not rich? You were out of luck.

After we gained independence, white men were granted the right to vote as long as they owned land. Not rich? You were out of luck.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

Black men were able to cast ballots after the 15th amendment was passed in 1870. However, many of them were not able to exercise that right due to voting taxes, literacy tests, violence, and intimidation at the polls.

Black men were able to cast ballots after the 15th amendment was passed in 1870. However, many of them were not able to exercise that right due to voting taxes, literacy tests, violence, and intimidation at the polls.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

In 1920, women were finally able to vote. In theory, this would have meant all women, but other discriminatory laws prevented non-white women from voting for the next 40+ years.

In 1920, women were finally able to vote. In theory, this would have meant all women, but other discriminatory laws prevented non-white women from voting for the next 40+ years.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

Roaring Gold didn’t receive photo submissions from Filipinos, who were granted the right in 1946, and Chinese immigrants and other Asian Americans, who were able to vote beginning in 1952.

Native Americans had previously been granted the right to vote in 1924, but only if they renounced their tribal affiliation. In 1962, Native peoples who still claimed their heritage were finally able to participate in the voting process.

Native Americans had previously been granted the right to vote in 1924, but only if they renounced their tribal affiliation. In 1962, Native peoples who still claimed their heritage were finally able to participate in the voting process.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was passed, preventing discriminatory practices at the polls that largely affected people of color, with women of color affected disproportionately.

In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was passed, preventing discriminatory practices at the polls that largely affected people of color, with women of color affected disproportionately.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

You may have heard that the Supreme Court recently overturned key parts of the Voting Rights Act, saying it was no longer relevant. This dismayed activists who say the law is still necessary to prevent voter discrimination today.

In 1975, voting materials were finally able to be printed in languages other than English, allowing non-English-speaking citizens to vote.

In 1975, voting materials were finally able to be printed in languages other than English, allowing non-English-speaking citizens to vote.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

It wasn’t until 1993 that voter registration materials were available at the Department of Motor Vehicles, through public assistance organizations, and at disabilities agencies. Before this, disabled people often did not have access to vote.

U.S. Citizens in territories controlled by the United States like Guam and Puerto Rico are still waiting for their right to participate in the political process. They’re citizens in every way…except this one.

U.S. Citizens in territories controlled by the United States like Guam and Puerto Rico are still waiting for their right to participate in the political process. They're citizens in every way...except this one.

Facebook / Roaring Gold

This is a totally eye-opening look at the struggles people have faced, including very recently, in order to vote. You can check out Roaring Gold’s full timeline of voting rights (with citations) here, and be sure to visit their Facebook page for more of this kind of information.

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