If You Dread Back-To-School Shopping, You’ll Feel This Funny Mom’s Pain

As summer draws to a close, children aren’t the only ones who start feeling anxiety about the coming school year.

Sure, most parents are excited to get their kids out of the house on a regular basis again. What isn’t so exciting for moms and dads is all the back-to-school shopping they have to do beforehand. It seems that every year, the lists for school supplies gets longer and annoyingly more specific — as this funny mom found out when she took a trip to Walmart that quickly turned into a huge pain.

As far as this lady’s concerned, her kids’ back-to-school lists might as well be written in another language.


Well, at least she was able to find some humor in the situation. Parents, if you haven’t already done so, good luck buying all your children’s school supplies without breaking the bank!

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