You’ll Be So Inspired When You Hear This Harvard Graduate’s Amazing Story

While most of us can agree that everyone should be able to go to college, many simply cannot afford it.

For some, the thought of crushing debt after graduation is enough to deter them from chasing their dreams and getting a degree altogether — that is, if they’re able to qualify for student loans in the first place. However, one young man’s story of putting himself through college proves that although paying for school can be incredibly difficult, it can be done with hard work and determination.

Shannon Satonori Lytle doesn’t come from wealth and had no money saved up for college, but he knew that he’d do anything to be the first graduate in his family, so he made it happen. And he didn’t go just anywhere. This dedicated graduate went to Harvard.

Read Shannon’s story as he tells it below, and get ready to be seriously inspired by how he made his dream into a reality.

Read Shannon's story as he tells it below, and get ready to be seriously inspired by how he made his dream into a reality.

Facebook / Shannon Satonori Lytle

Facebook / Shannon Satonori Lytle

Read More: It’s That Time Again — Here Are 15 Graduation Fails To Get You Into The Spirit

Facebook / Shannon Satonori Lytle

“I often felt inferior because of my socioeconomic status,” Shannon said. “No matter what your personal obstacle is, please don’t feel this way if you can help it. Raise your head, roll up your sleeves, and work hard knowing that every person is valuable and deserves a chance to become the person they want to be.”

“I often felt inferior because of my socioeconomic status,” Shannon said. “No matter what your personal obstacle is, please don’t feel this way if you can help it. Raise your head, roll up your sleeves, and work hard knowing that every person is valuable and deserves a chance to become the person they want to be.”

Facebook / Shannon Satonori Lytle

(via BoredPanda)

We wish Shannon nothing but the best in his career and all his future endeavors. Share if you think he’s amazing for what he’s been able to accomplish on his own.

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