17 Of The Cutest Costumes For Kids To Give You Adorable Halloween Inspiration

Halloween definitely ranks as one of the highest in kids’ favorite holidays.

And really, what’s not to love? They get to dress up, show off their getups while shouting “trick or treat” and eat all the candy they want — or at least as much as their parents will allow. While snacking on treasures of collected sweets is partly why children love the spooky holiday so much, for me, costumes were undeniably the best part. If you still haven’t figured out what your kids are going to be on All Hallow’s Eve, here are 17 adorable and creative costume ideas to get you started.

1. Jack Skellington and Sally, the early years.


2. This precious girl has to wear glasses for her eye condition, so her parents figured she’d make the perfect old lady for Halloween. Spoiler: they were right.


3. “When my dragons (and I) are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!”


4. These cuties are a bit too committed to their roles from “101 Dalmatians”.


5. Mary Sanderson is here to let you know she smells children.


6. The commitment to this little girl’s costume is seriously impressive.


7. Need some ranch to go on that salad?


8. Or how about a throwback to “Gangnam Style”?


9. Did somebody say “pizza pizza”?


10. Contrary to his costume choice, this kid definitely isn’t into being played around with.


11. Halloween doesn’t fall on a Wednesday this year, but that doesn’t mean your daughter can’t dress up as her!


12. If you have four kids, I dare you to find a cuter group costume than this.


13. All you need is a bike, a red hoodie and a stuffed E.T. to pull off this classic scene.


14. Nobody said the Mario brothers both had to be human, after all.


15. I don’t normally use the word “adorable” to describe zombies, but I’ll make an exception for this bloodthirsty cutie.


16. With “Stranger Things” coming back on October 27, what better way to celebrate the arrival of the second season than transforming your little ones into Eleven?


17. If your kids already have formal clothes, you can turn them into Edward Scissorhands for a night with open finger gloves, plastic cutlery, a wig and black lipstick.


I wish I was even half as creative with my costumes as these parents were with their children’s! Will you be trying any of these with your own kids?

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