Get Rid of the Mice in Your Home Once and For All


Image by Pixabay

Finding mice in your home is never great. While some people keep mice as pets, finding them randomly is never good. Those mice are likely carrying bacteria and diseases. Humans and pets can be at risk because they can leave traces of bacteria just about anywhere.

So, how do you catch and dispose of a mouse? And how do you mouse-proof your home? Here are some tips.

Mice are probably more scared of you than you are of them. They are able to hide well, and if you do find one, you should count on the likelihood that he has a few friends hiding, too.

Mice can enter your home at any season. Your home offers warmth and a source of food. They’ll look for fabric, cardboard, and soft plastic to gnaw on so they can make a nest. Cooler areas in the summertime can also be ideal for them.

mouse trap

Photo by: Skitterphoto

While there are wooden mouse traps and glue traps, you can choose a humane option – the bucket mouse trap.

You’ll need a 5-gallon bucket, a wood plank, a soda can, a drill, a thin dowel, an old towel, peanut butter, bleach, and gloves.

Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the handle of the bucket to expose the holes. No handle? Use the drill.
  2. Drill a hole into the bottom of a soda can.
  3. Insert the dowl through the can and into the holes of the bucket.
  4. Smear peanut butter on the can.
  5. Place the bucket where you think the mouse is living.
  6. Position the wood plank on the bucket so the mouse can climb onto the can.

Basically, the mouse will climb the ramp, get the peanut butter, lose its footing on the can, and fall into the bucket. Then, you can release the mouse out into the wild, preferably far away from your home.

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