The Book Lover In Your Life Absolutely Needs What This Guy Just Made

If you’re a book worm like me, then all you really need to be happy in life is a good book, a comfy seat, and enough natural light to get lost in another world for hours on end.

However, if your house is set up anything like mine, you also know that most of the comfortable places to read also happen to be the most heavily populated. But fortunately for us, Imgur user jonnybuilds is sharing his secrets to building a reading nook that will look great in every home.

Check out the design project below. Just wait until you see the finished product!

Stopping by his local home improvement store, Jonny began with two large sheets of plywood that he later cut down into pieces shown below:

Stopping by his local home improvement store, Jonny began with two large sheets of plywood that he later cut down into pieces shown below:

Imgur / jonnybuilds

Then he broke down the sheets down into four 18-inch panels.

Then he broke down the sheets down into four 18-inch panels.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

In order to cut the seat backs to their desired size, he set his saw blade to a 37 degree angle.

In order to cut the seat backs to their desired size, he set his saw blade to a 37 degree angle.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

With the seat backs cut to size, they could be nailed and glued together.

With the seat backs cut to size, they could be nailed and glued together.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

Next Jonny assembled the base of the nook using a center support and two dividers.

Next Jonny assembled the base of the nook using a center support and two dividers.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

Our builder then attached the bottom panel.

Our builder then attached the bottom panel.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

Before moving on with the project, he needed to take a “test sit.”

Before moving on with the project, he needed to take a "test sit."

Imgur / jonnybuilds

With most of the build complete, the time had come to attach the hardwood maple face frame.

With most of the build complete, the time had come to attach the hardwood maple face frame.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

He just used tape to attach the pieces initially.

He just used tape to attach the pieces initially.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

After choosing an awesome patterned fabric, our designer assembled the cushions before scotch guarding them.

After choosing an awesome patterned fabric, our designer assembled the cushions before scotch guarding them.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

All that was left to do was to add the cushions to the seat area, shelve some books, and prepare for a lifetime of stress-free reading.

All that was left to do was to add the cushions to the seat area, shelve some books, and prepare for a lifetime of stress-free reading.

Imgur / jonnybuilds

Want to see even more of this awesome build? Keep watching to learn all the insider secrets on this epic reading nook:

I may not be the handiest of men, but where there’s a will, there’s a way for me to build this beast. Happy reading, friends!

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