Deliciously Petty Dog Lays On The Horn After Being Left In The Car Alone

We all know that we should never leave a dog alone in the car during extreme temperatures.

When it’s not too hot or too cold, however, there’s a little bit of leeway. You might be able to pop into the store for a minute while your dog takes a breather in the car. That is, as long as your dog doesn’t figure out how to use the horn to demand you come back immediately.

One man heard continuous honking coming from a car and thought he saw a human sitting in the front seat. What he found instead is too funny for words.

Watch as he gets closer and closer to the culprit. OMG!

Youtube / ViralHog

That dog’s face is seriously EVERYTHING. What’s the funniest thing your doggo has ever done? Let us know in the comments!

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