20 Restaurant Employees Who Are Funny, Fed Up, And Living Right

When people go to restaurants and bars, they expect good service, a great atmosphere, and even better food and drinks.

That’s why a lot popular establishments go out of their way to make sure their customers have a good time by getting creative with funny and sassy signs, cool and unique features, and even brutally honest commentary for their not-so-nice customers.

It’s a safe bet you’ll want to check out these 20 places for yourself, because what they have to offer is anything but boring.

1. It can’t be that bad if you’re getting 10 percent off.

It can't be that bad if you're getting 10 percent off.

Reddit / flyinglabrador

2. Something tells me they got a TON more business after putting this up.

Something tells me they got a TON more business after putting this up.

Reddit / Tellii88

3. These coasters were made from cars totaled during drunk driving crashes to remind customers to never drive under the influence.

These coasters were made from cars totaled during drunk driving crashes to remind customers to never drive under the influence.

Reddit / Morril

4. How to make a mint plant adorable in 10 seconds or less.

How to make a mint plant adorable in 10 seconds or less.

Reddit / Krydamos

5. Just don’t try to swipe left or right on anyone or your might get kicked out.

Just don't try to swipe left or right on anyone or your might get kicked out.

Reddit / n1ghthawk05

6. “At this bar I go to, the prices of the beers change every 15 minutes based on supply and demand inside the bar.”

"At this bar I go to, the prices of the beers change every 15 minutes based on supply and demand inside the bar."

Reddit / JordanDryce

7. The fact that this had to be made really disgusts me.

The fact that this had to be made really disgusts me.

Imgur / dayspringmetaphysics

8. This bar is happy to provide its feline patrons with milk shots on demand.

This bar is happy to provide its feline patrons with milk shots on demand.


9. “But I need my instant gratification now!”

"But I need my instant gratification now!"

Reddit / Jerz71

10. “My dad asked the waitress for ‘one very small check.’ I think that she out-dadjoked him in response.”

"My dad asked the waitress for 'one very small check.' I think that she out-dadjoked him in response."

Reddit / Banana_Man15

11. Why fix vandalism when you can turn it into art and name it “An Ode to My Tiny, Tiny Penis”?

Why fix vandalism when you can turn it into art and name it "An Ode to My Tiny, Tiny Penis"?

Reddit / eyeballshurt

12. Just give them a second of peace before they get eaten alive, you monsters!

Just give them a second of peace before they get eaten alive, you monsters!

Reddit / DarlaMarie

13. Sorry, not sorry.

Sorry, not sorry.


14. Refrigerated strips to keep your beers cold are the best invention since sliced bread.

Refrigerated strips to keep your beers cold are the best invention since sliced bread.

Imgur / micwhisman

15. As an American, I can’t disagree.

As an American, I can't disagree.

Reddit / juanjuego

16. “Napkin from a bar in Russia.”

"Napkin from a bar in Russia."

Reddit / breakno

17. Sign me up!

Sign me up!

Reddit / Borderhopinmex

18. Some do say the president has a potty mouth…

Some do say the president has a potty mouth...

Imgur / AbortedGallow

19. “Went to a cafe today, saw a glitch in the Matrix.”

"Went to a cafe today, saw a glitch in the Matrix."

Reddit / foxesandgeekery

20. At least they’re honest!

At least they're honest!

Reddit / pinehatapple

(via BoredPanda)

Which of these was your favorite? Be sure to let us know below, and share if you wish all bars and restaurants were this awesome!

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