He Thought The Onesie He Got Was Cool, But Then He Got A Gift That Made Him Cry

Misty Knight has always considered her mom’s husband, Ryan Farrell, to be like a dad to her.

With her biological father out of the picture, Farrell and Knight developed a close relationship. The two love nerding out over just about everything from Star Wars to the latest Superman and Batman films.

To show Farrell just how much he means to her, Knight decided to surprise her stepdad with some presents. The first gift was a heartfelt letter that Farrell read aloud while holding off tears. Following the heartwarming declaration of love, Farrell unwrapped the gift box to discover a Batman vs. Superman onesie and a variety of sweet treats. But the final gift caught him completely off guard.

You’ll be crying right along with him when you see what the last piece of paper says.


(via Daily Mail)

If this video has taught us anything, it’s that family is about much more than just blood. Share this heartwarming adoption story with others if it made you reach for the tissues.

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