This Incredible Hair Artist Can Sculpt Her Locks Into Just About Anything

Every once in awhile, I look in the mirror and think to myself that I need a new hair look.

This usually results in a new haircut or dye color that quickly falls by the wayside. One young woman, however, has made reinventing her hair both a lifestyle and a business. Meet Laetetia Ky, whose looks and style are taking the internet by storm with their playful inventiveness.

She’s the creator of KYBraids, which involves rolling braids with wax to create a colorful look that simply wasn’t possible before.

What she’s most well-known for, however, is the way she can sculpt her hair into any shape.

Whether you want to rock on…

… or be totally zen, she’s got the skills to create it.

In addition to hair sculptures, she also posts pictures of KYBraids and some pretty incredible artwork.

Every time one of her creations pops up, you’re guaranteed to smile and wonder, “How did she do that!?!”

The answer? Lots of practice and a knack for creating something unusual out of something ordinary.

If you want to keep up with her awesome hairstyles, you can follow her on Instagram.

Her designs are so great! My favorite is the ballerina. What do you think of these hair sculptures? Let us know in the comments and share her talent with your friends and family.

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