Heartbreaking Video Shows Devoted Dog Resting By Late Owner’s Grave

A dog’s loyalty to its human companions knows no bounds, and in some cases, even transcends death.

One pup’s devotion to her owner still lingers even after the 86-year-old passed away last year. Since losing her mom back in September, Deta the dog has been staying with the woman’s daughter, Theresa Morini, and her husband. But as a recent visit to the woman’s grave shows, just because she’s gone, she’s definitely not forgotten for Deta.

It was as if Deta knew they were visiting her late owner’s grave, because she made herself right at home next to the gravestone. Even when called away, she resisted leaving — a heartbreaking testament to her undying love for the deceased woman.


(via Daily Mail)

Though she may never understand what happened to her mom, I sincerely hope Deta finds peace. Let’s all hug our dogs a little tighter tonight.

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